Generalized agrometeorological information

Agriculture is closely linked to climatic and weather conditions which determine the yield in a significant extent

Agricultural meteorology counts more than centenary period of the development, it combines meteorology and climatology, soil science and agronomy, plant physiology, ecology, statistics and other sciences. Agricultural meteorology has passed the development of qualitative, descriptive level of observations and assessments of soil and crops to modern methods of observations, including satellite information, modeling processes and phenomena, that occurring in the "agricultural object - environment."

Responsible strategic decisions in modern agriculture are impossible without taking into account the already established and expected weather conditions and the usage of multifaceted agrometeorology and agroclimatic information, that includes quantitative assessment of crop conditions and crop yields. In addition, in recent decades particularly important is the estimation of food security for the long term with the development of global warming processes on the globe and its displays in Ukraine.

The system of agrometeorological observations is a collection of daily and decade agrometeorological data, processing, analysis, synthesis, analytical materials, agrometeorological forecasts, provision of interested users.

Agrometeorological observations are carried out at the meteorological stations located at a distance of about 50 km from each other, that allows sufficiently and evenly to highlight agrometeorological condition areas, with sufficient accuracy to obtain current weather conditions data and their influence on major crops.

Comparability of the agrometeorological observations results, sufficient degree of accuracy and uniformity is ensured by holding agrometeorological observations within only method and within similar terms throughout the country and by the usage of the same installed devices.

Coordination and methodical management of agrometeorological observations carried out by Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

Currently agrometeorological observations are made at 126 meteorological stations and agrometeorological posts.

Main crops under observation:

     - Winter crops - wheat, rye, barley, canola
     - Spring  - barley, wheat, oats
     - Corn
     - Cereal and legumes - buckwheat, millet, peas, soybeans
     - Sunflower, spring rape
     - Sugar beet
     - Perennial herbs
     - Fruit and grapes

Observations include:

     - Definition phase of plant development (phenology)
     - Assessment of the crop
     - Determination of the height of plants
     - Determination of crops density
     - The degree of damage by pests and diseases
     - Route survey of crops
     - Determination of reserves of productive humidity
     - Wintering crops monitoring

Print Version Published: 16 December 2024