How to submit a request for the conclusion of a contract for obtaining hydrometeorological information
How to submit a request
The request is submitted by a legal entity to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations (hereinafter - UkrHMC) in writing during a personal reception, by sending it by mail or by e-mail at the requester's choice.
To the postal address:
01601, Kyiv, Zolotovoritska street, 6-V
To the email address:
The request can be submitted directly to UkrHMC daily from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., room No. 5, except for weekends and holidays.
What the request should contain
To conclude a contract, legal entities must submit a request in any form on company letterhead, but must specify:
- type of required information (according to a list of paid services (ukr))
- date or period for which information is required (date: day, month, year; period: start and end date inclusive)
- name of settlements for which information is required (full names of settlements with indication of region and district)
In addition, to conclude the contract, it is necessary to send to e-mail to: the following information (in .doc|/docx or .pdf format):
- A copy of the registration certificate or extract from the state register.
- A copy of the page from the Charter with the full and abbreviated name.
- Extract from the register of value added tax payers (if available).
- Bank details.
- Surname, first name and patronymic, position of the person who will sign the contract, and the basis of his activity.
- Contact numbers of the accounting department and the responsible person.