Cooperation with Finnish Meteorological Institute
Second working meeting as part of the implementation of the Project on inter-institutional cooperation between the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center and the Finnish Meteorological Institute took place on June 14, 2022 via online.
From Finnish side at the meeting were present: Anne Hirsiko - project manager, Harry Pietarilla – expert of project department in FMI, Kaurola Yussi - General Director of FMI; from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland - Jaiko Eskelinen.
From WMO: Sari Lappi - a representative of the project on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems in the South-East Europe.
From UHMC at the meeting were present: Director of UHMC - Mykola Kulbida, deputy director - Anatolii Prokopenko, Oleh Skoropad - adviser to the director for international affairs of projects, Valery Savenko - head of the center for IT technologies , Vladyslav Bilyk - head, Nataliya Ptukha - head of the interaction sector with mass media, representatives of International cooperation department.
Among the issues that were discussed during the meeting, Participant paided special attention to the internship of UHMC experts at the Finnish Meteorological Institute. They also agreed the time frame of the training (October-November 2022), reviewed such project documents as the Report for the initial period (2022), the Communication Plan and the Annual Work Plan, approved additions and changes to them due to the ongoing military situation w. The director of UHMC noted that the internship at FMI should include traning not only for weather forecaster , but also for air quality specialists. It has been agreed that the internship can start in October of this year.
It is also determined that the time of the next meeting (online) will be the beginning of November 2022.
Intermediate and urgent issues related to the project can be resolved through e-mail due to the working mode.
Participants supported the desire to deepen cooperation with other international projects, in particular, the Consortium of Southeast European countries to create an early warning system for numerous natural disasters, in accordance with EU guidelines due to the international cooperation on the European continent development.
One of the main areas of future cooperation is the reconstruction of hydrometeorological equipment at observation points, which was damaged as a result of hostilities.
The working meeting was held at the appropriate technical level, with the active participation in the discussion of experts from both cooperating state institutions - UHMC and FMI. All planned items of the agenda were fulfilled, further steps for the successful implementation of the Project were outlined. The decisive condition for successful implementation is the achievement of the security situation in Ukraine normalization - the advent of peace.